Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Clinic Visit #4/ Day 28 (Lexapro)

I always find it interesting how people ask sensitive questions. One of the things they ask me during my clinic visits while asking about different side effects I could experience is if I am still as interested in sex as usual. Which is kind of awkward, for obvious reasons. RL just does in nonchalantly, one in a string of side effect questions which also include gas and belching. I like that about her. For as personable as she is outside the question asking, the questions are just a list, I just give answers, and we move on. I like it. makes it not awkward if I have to tell her that yes, I did have some gas this week, and I am indeed as interested in sex as I usually am.

The male nurse (saw him yesterday instead of lady nurse for some reason) is not so good at this. He asks me all his questions, how I'm feeling, how my irritation is, blah blah blah, don't be discouraged that you are back to feeling like you did in the beginning...and then he lays this on me "oh, i guess one thing I should ask you is if you are as interested in sex as usual." *awkward pause as he looks at me and not his clipboard of note* "um, yeah."

I like how RL does it a LOT better. lol

Both RL and male nurse gave me a talk about not getting discouraged because the medicine isn't working as well as they like it to at this point. This is week 5 of the study, which means come clinic visit #5 I will be half way done with Part 1. RL reminded me that if the Lexapro doesn't work then there is a second part.

I know this, but it is nice to be encouraged, and especially to be told that it seems that RL's patients are all either (like me) not really responding to the medicine right now, or they are feeling better than they have ever felt. So I guess that makes me feel more normal.

Alright, off to shower, take my pills, and go to work! Another day on 20mg of Lexapro.

weight: 192
depression symptoms: feeling "blue", lack of motivation, trouble concentrating, easily irritated, feeling that I am worth less than my peers
possible medication side effects: gas

1 comment:

Staci Halverson said...

I'm going through my first days of Lexapro as well...keep posting! :)