Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Clinic Visit #2/ Day 15 (Lexapro)

Today I overheard someone at the desk in the Psychiatric services waiting room that made me very glad the only disorder I suffer from is depression. He sounded exactly like this guy, except he was setting up his next appointment and asking about his medicine (and he wasn't British):

Other than listening to him try to discourse with the receptionist, and wondering briefly what he does for a living (he was dressed in khaki's, white button down, tie, jacket, and fedora type hat...any guesses?), Clinic Visit #2 was business as usual:

Told receptionist I was there to see RL, went back to the tiny waiting room, RL came and got me, filled out 2 page survey, was asked the same questions as last time, sent back to tiny waiting room, waited 30 minutes, Nurse came to get me, asked me about side effects, gave me my samples, sent me on my way.

Nurse changed me from 10mg Lexapro a day to 15mg Lexapro. Which means I get to use a pill cutter every two days to cut a 10mg tablet into a 5mg tablet. She says she's taking me up only 5mg to hopefully prevent a recurrence of the nausea and sedation side effects while increasing results. We'll see how it goes.

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