Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 2 (Lexapro)

I realized today that there was one thing they asked me that I didn't answer completely truthfully. They asked if there was anything that I had the urge to do all the time, or a certain number of times (like wash my hands, lock the doors, etc.). It's not something I have to do a certain number of times, but I do have to make sure that I chew food evenly on both sides of my mouth. If I don't, it makes me feel weird. And I have to clean out my teeth until both sides feel even again. So I don't really know if that's something they were talking about...but I may tell them that next week just to make sure. They asked me a lot of questions that sounded like they relate to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, so I think they are trying to see if people who are diagnosed with depression and don't respond well to SSRI's may have underlying symptoms of those disorders (which the medication they are actually testing is currently used to treat).

Aside from that realization, nothing that interesting to report. Just a pretty average day (as far as what my average has been the last 2 years).

Had some nausea today, but definitely not as severe as yesterday. I may try to take the pill with something to eat or some milk tomorrow to see if that helps. I think it's weird that it lasts all day though. Starting a couple hours after I take the Lexapro, and I still feel a bit of it now. but like I said, not nearly as bad as it was yesterday.

Also still feeling really tired. Tried to go to bed early (11ish) last night, but couldn't fall asleep til about 2am. May be because of the candy we bought yesterday? Maybe just insomnia, since I get it every once in a while. But I got up at 8 to go to orientation for my new job. Got out around 10:30, came back and tried to nap. Maintenance came by to do our apartment inspection around 11, so I didn't actually get to nap til about 12, and ended up sleeping til 1:30. Feeling pretty tired now. Will try to sleep after I write this, but I'm afraid I'll have insomnia again. Like my body is tired but my mind is wide awake. Maybe just all the excitement of starting a new job and starting this study.

weight: 193
depression symptoms: feeling "blue", lack of motivation, abnormally tired, insomnia
possible medication side effects: nausea, exhaustion, insomnia

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