Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day 1 (Lexapro)

Took my first Lexapro today. Not stupid enough to expect any results emotionally or mentally the first day. It'll probably take about a week before I get any of that starting. However, side effects can start showing today. Let's hope I don't end up like this guy:

So today I was a pretty average depression day. Didn't get overly sad about anything in particular, just a down feeling, a feeling that if I let myself I could get overwhelmed by sadness for no reason at all. So I tried not to dwell, tried to distract myself with games and tv and whatnot. Just tried to live like I have been the past couple of years.

Easily irritated. Got really frustrated with my mother for not being able to find a photo online after I gave her the order of links to click to find it. Also annoyed that one of my roommates needed me to take her dog out. I don't know why, as it's not a big deal at all. It just annoyed me. yeah, so easilly irritated it is. But that's is how it's been for a long time now, so I know it's part of the depression and not a medication side effect.

I've been nauseous most of the day. no vomiting or anything, just a nauseous feeling. I didn't eat much at dinner because of it. Also had some GI problems. So that could all be medicine related, or could be somethinig I ate yesterday. We'll see.

Also have been really sleepy. Got 8 hours of sleep last night...but was really tired around 2...so I ended up napping until 4. Then I was still tired. Pretty tired now, so after I finish this post I'll go to bed.

weight: 193
depression symptoms: feeling "blue", easily irritated, lack of motivation, abnormally tired
possible medication side effects: nausea, diarhea, exhaustion

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