Monday, December 29, 2008

Mystery Pill Miracle?

If this is placebo, then I guess I'm a big fat placebo effect sucker.

This week has been pretty phenomenal. I went to Mississippi for Christmas (which I normally hate) and actually had a pretty good time. Was interested in helping some little cousins "learn" how to crouchet. Got a sewing machine for Christmas and have been interested in learning how to follow patterns/sewing directions and have made two bags already. Went shopping a couple of times, and actually found the schedule to fill out the paperwork to sign my puppy up for obedience classes (which I got a gift certificate for). And I have been feeling happy. geniuinely happy. or I guess "medicinally induced" happy.

I've had some sinus stuff going on, so it's been hard to gauge weather or not I have had side effects. So pressure between my eyes, blurry vision, tiredness, headache, etc, could be side effects of the medicine, or could be par for the course of winter sinus ridiculousness.

Jitteryness and easy bruising definitely have nothing to do with the sinus stuff though.

So I guess I just report all this junk to RL tomorrow (is my appointment tomorrow? must check) and see what she thinks.

So Christmas miracle? or Mystery Pill miracle?

I guess we'll see.

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