Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 7 (Lexapro)

Stayed home all day today. It took me all day to do laundry. Because I'd put in a load...forget about it...remember it...not want to go downstairs and change it...finally decide to change the load...repeat.

This was after I slept for like 12 hours. ridiculous.

Hoping the medicine and a steady work schedule will eventually help even out my sleep habits and get me into some kind of motivational rhythm.

The nausea is definitely lessening. Still get little twinges of it, but overall it has stopped making me avoid eating normally. so that's good.

Have a clinic visit tomorrow. Will make sure to tell them about the nausea, the tiredness, and the food chewing thing.

I need to go out and take pictures, or start a painting, or something. anything. I need to get out of this tvwatchinginternetsurfing funk. I need to create. To bring myself out of myself. We'll see if I can.

weight: 193
depression symptoms: feeling "blue", lack of motivation
possible medication side effects: nausea, exhaustion

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